Funny things kids say

Here is the full list of funny quotes. These sayings come from the kids at my local school, reader submissions and aggregated from all over the Internet. I'm hoping to make this one of the largest collections of funny kid's sayings around.

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Dinosaur love

"RAWR !" That means I LOVE YOU in Dinosaur language.


When ever I hear my parents say blah blah blah blah blah then... I just say Sweet Nibilets


Back when my brother was attempting to get his 3yo son to give up dummies (pacifiers): "We’re going to send them to the poor children that don’t have any."
3yo replied, "Get mummy to make them some cookies instead."
I did enjoy his logic!

Tail envy

My daughter has a stuffed donkey and a stuffed siamese looking cat that she sleeps with. When I went in to get her up from her nap today she told me, "Donkey very mad." I asked her why donkey was so mad, and she answered, "Meow have chocolate tail!"
Poor donkey has tail envy.

Big dreams

We went through Wendy's drive-thru and ordered kids meals for the 6 and 3 year old. One started whining because he wanted a "BIG burger" and I eventually gave in. Handing him the sandwich I said "There, does this fulfill your dreams?" He looked at the sandwich, looked at me and said "Actually, my dreams are a little bigger then this."

Milk comes from ...

Yesterday we went to the fair and she was loving this cow and talking to it and mooing at it, and there was a guy standing nearby who said, "She's going to be milked in about 15 minutes over there if you want to come watch."
So after we had looked at a few more animals we went and watched the milking demonstration. It was fascinating, he didn't do it by hand he had a trailer with a professional type hook-up and he talked about how they do it at the big dairies. But anyway, the demonstration got all done and we were leaving and I said to her, "Now you know where milk comes from."
She replied, "Yes, from cow's butt."

Foot in hand

My son was just sitting next to me, scratching his head with his foot, but holding his foot in his hand.
Me: Why are you scratching your head with your foot?
Son: Because it itches.
Me: But why are you using your foot?
Son: Because my head itches!
Me: Why your foot and not your hand?
Son: I can't use my hand.
Me: Why not?
Son: Because my foot is in it and it's full!

Bad gate

Daughter, whining, speaking of the baby gate on our bedroom door: Mommmyyyyy! Open the door!
Me, smiling: No! I don't want you to come in my bedroom right now.
Daughter: I don't like this gate one bit. You need to take it back to the gate store!

Walkie-talkie hug

Yesterday's Moment of Extreme Cuteness: One of the kids in my apartment complex (age 6) came over to tell me that he was going out of town with his aunt for three days. He was carrying a pair of walkie-talkies. I asked him a few questions about the trip, then ask if he wants a goodbye hug. His response was to hand me a walkie-talkie, step back five feet, and whisper "yes" into his. And then run back over for the hug.

Boy name

My boyfriends younger sister and step-sisters go to day camp, they started a new camp today.
Me: Did you make any friends at camp today?
Evie: I made some friends and some bad guys
Me: What are your friends named?
Evie: Nora (her twin sister), Lena... Rose. And maybe more.
Me: Very cool, they sound nice.
Evie: James is a bad mean girl. She's a bad guy.
Me: Oh yeah? Why?
Evie: She's got a boy name.
