Funny things kids say

Here is the full list of funny quotes. These sayings come from the kids at my local school, reader submissions and aggregated from all over the Internet. I'm hoping to make this one of the largest collections of funny kid's sayings around.

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Facebook avatar

My daughter was watching me while I was on Facebook, and saw my "friends." One of my friends uses an image of Edna Mode as her avatar. Edna is a character from The Incredibles, a movie our family loves, especially my daughter! In total amazement, she immediately said:
"You know EDNA!?!?!"


When our granddaughter was around 4 years old, we were watching TV and a trailer for the original "Jaws" movie came on. It came to the part where the girl is swimming alone at night and the shark grabs her and drags her around while she screams bloody murder.
I froze and looked at the kid, thinking, "Oh no, this is going to scare the daylights out of her." She was intently watching the screen and all of a sudden the girl goes under for the last time and it's dead quiet.
I was holding my breath, wondering if she’d start crying or what she’d say. She looked at me and said in a very nonchalant manner, "Well, that didn’t take long." It didn’t even faze her!

A little fat

I have no idea what brought it on. She just turned to me after packing up her books and said with the sweetest smile, "Mama, you are now a little fat." And proceeds to stick out her tummy just a little bit to demonstrate what she meant.

So high

A couple of weeks ago when we were shopping, I needed something from one of the higher shelves and couldn't reach it. My daughter was observing my struggles and said, "Boy, Mom. That's so high only God can reach it!"

Just call Heaven

After telling C a friend of mine died ... "Mommy, maybe you should call that person and see what Heaven's like!!!!"

Where's ...

"Mom, where’s the back of your head???"


"Mommy, if John F. Kennedy, hadn’t been assassinated, he’d still be alive."

Snuggle me

"Mommy, could you give me some snuggles? Because some tears are about to fall out of me."

A museum ...

"... is where things that are old. A museum is a magnificent place. Some museums have dino bones. Some have old-fashined things. Some have fun stuff. Some museums have art. Some museums have pictures."
