Funny things kids say - 5 random sayings

Here is the full list of funny quotes. These sayings come from the kids at my local school, reader submissions and aggregated from all over the Internet. I'm hoping to make this one of the largest collections of funny kid's sayings around.

You can also add your own sayings, or view 5 random funny quotes!


This morning I put my son in the car then ran back inside to get something. He saw all the leaves that had blown into a pile overnight in our driveway. I heard him call out in an excited voice, "I found autumn!"

Potty time

On one of his first trips out of the house without a diaper, our father took J to a hardware store. My father got distracted and J wandered away. Dad soon heard him yelling "I did it! I go potty!" and found him clapping and dancing next to a display toilet in the plumbing department.

People tails

16 months old, and talking really well (full sentences). I was changing her diaper and she noticed a yarn toy on her changing table between her legs. She grabbed it and said "I have a tail." I told her that people don't have tails. She said "Daddy has a tail." At that time I didn't think much about it, till she caught my hubby getting out of the shower and she said (pointing to my husband's privates) - "Mommy, see there's Daddy's tail!"
I let her think that until my nephew was over about four months later and said "Look what I have!" She was like "why don't I have a tail!!"
I eventually told her the penis and vagina terms.

Parsley and celery

The 12 year old junior Luddite was home crook from school the other day, and she sent me this text :
"I just watched a show on celery and parsley. Did u know scientist think they mite b able to fix the disability. Thats good".
I rang her, because it confused the stuffing out of me, and she started telling me that celery and parsley is the one where they shake and pull faces.
It wasn’t until about 10 minutes later, after I’d given up in total bewilderment, that I realised ‘celery and parsley’ was actually cerebral palsy.
Then I started to shake and pull faces. Love that kid.

Babies in tummies

I showed my 4 year old a picture of me when I was 9 months pregnant and I said "look you were in mommy's tummy in this picture." He looked at it for a minute and very seriously asked "Did you eat me"?