Funny things kids say - 5 random sayings

Here is the full list of funny quotes. These sayings come from the kids at my local school, reader submissions and aggregated from all over the Internet. I'm hoping to make this one of the largest collections of funny kid's sayings around.

You can also add your own sayings, or view 5 random funny quotes!


Miss 4 was gazing into Miss 11's eyes, and then announced:
"You've got cracks in your eyes!"
Irises certainly do have interesting patterns in them :)

Work is optional

My 5 year old daughter told me that she didn't wanna go to school today, so I told her "I don't wanna go to work , but I have to". She said "no you don't, you're the mom, and if you don't want to you don't have to."

Unhappy papa

Matthew: Nanna, why haven't you got a husband?
Me: When you marry someone it's because you make each other happy and want to be together forever, but sometimes it doesn't work out and it's better to divorce and find new partners to be happy with. Grandpa used to be my husband, but we got divorced....
Matthew (butting in): Because you weren't happy together anymore?
Me: Right, and he married Helen, but I haven't found anyone new to be happy with yet.
Matthew: What about Data (Chilean grandfather)
Me: Well, when Data was a young man, when he was still in Chile, he was married but it didn't work out ..........
Matthew (butting in): Because they stopped being happy with each other?
Me: yes, but they were both young and probably made a mistake getting married so young. Anyway, then he married Weli (Chilean grandmother) and they were together for a while. They had a couple of kids - your Dad and Tia (Aunty) Paulina, but then things went bad for them....
Matthew (butting in): And they weren't happy anymore?
Me: Right, and Weli met Mario who she's still with and Data met a lady called Miriam.
Matthew (butting in):But I've never seen him with her.
Me: No, and she's gone back to Chile now.
Matthew: Did they break up too!
Me: Yes
Matthew: Geez, how many more women is Data going to make unhappy!

Surprisingly good

Daughter, surprised that the chicken we are eating tastes good: "Now I know why kids aren’t allowed to complain about their dinner. Because every once in a while it’s actually delicious!"


We went to the bakery and while I was waiting, my 6 yr old son said to the person that was helping us, do you know those cigarettes you have up there are bad for your health? You should put candies or toys up there to sell Not Cigarettes!!!!!!
I lost it laughing so did the person attending us.