Funny things kids say - 5 random sayings

Here is the full list of funny quotes. These sayings come from the kids at my local school, reader submissions and aggregated from all over the Internet. I'm hoping to make this one of the largest collections of funny kid's sayings around.

You can also add your own sayings, or view 5 random funny quotes!

Kindergarten now, tomorrow the casino

We were on our way to school yesterday and a commercial for Choctaw casino came on. They have a catchy song, "Everybody's going choctaw!" L said, "After kindergarten I want to go Choctaw."


"Mum! You have big ugly lumps of fat with nipples on them!"
Fine, I'll be sure to never let my child see me without a shirt on again.

Big words

My nephew is 7 years old and he just cracks me up with the terminology this kid has. I was in the car with him and he was playing his DS in the car. There was a little silver suitcase next to him on the seat and I asked him if that was the case for his games and he says, "Not necessarily"
Then later on, he was telling me about this camera that his dad got him and how he likes to take pictures of "inanimate objects" and that he took a picture of the toilet after he peed in it.

Poo pee

Parent: want to go tee tee?
Child: No!
parent: want to go poo pee?
child: No!
parent: want to go pookah? ( or whatever you word is for flatulence)
The child always erupts in laughter. Worked great for my 3.5 YO. She thought and then laughed at the joke about 10 times in a row until I decided to stop and make her and her sister ( who also laughed heartily ) leave the play palace with me at Burger King. My guess is that she evaluated solids, liquids, and gases, knowing that making gas did not require a trip to the potty.

What's in a name?

Here’s a little snippet of a conversation Sweet Pea and I had last night during American Idol:
SP: Asa? That’s his name? A-S-A is not a name.
Me: Well, yes, that’s his name. Pretty much anything someone can think of can be a name.
SP: So Buttface is a name!